Environmental Site Monitoring

Terrapex Environnement Ltée conducts environmental site monitoring for residential, commercial and industrial site usages in accordance with Quebec’s ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) “Environmental Analysis Sampling Guide” (Guides d’échantillonnage à des fins d’analyses environnementales)

Environmental site monitoring includes:

  • Validation and/or renewal of data noted from earlier environmental assessments
  • Periodic check-ups to ensure the smooth operation of remediation equipment.

It is sometimes necessary, e.g. with a new technology or specific environmental parameters, to also monitor surface waters, groundwaters, air quality, wildlife, flower or human life protection, as well as social acceptability of the project. We can therefore make sure that attenuation or compensation mesures will have their full effect.

Sampling procedures

Sampling procedures during monitoring phases are governed by the Environmental Sampling Guides (Guides d’échantillonnage à des fins d’analyses environnementales) du Centre d’expertise en analyse environnementale (CEAEQ) du MELCCFP.

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