GEOTECHNICAL investigations
Steps of a geotechnical investigation
A geotechnical investigation is a vital phase in any construction project. Performed prior to construction, it can help the contractor avoid a good number of unpleasant surprises and unforeseen expenses. As an essential part of good project planning, a geotechnical investigation is modeled according to the specific requirements of the project.
In the context of an exploration campaign, whether by means of drilling or trenches, our proposed geotechnical investigation of the soil will make it possible to identify the nature and properties of the subsoil. At the prospective worksite, we take a thorough sampling of the soil, which we then subject to a full array of laboratory tests. The approach we recommend at Geotex always strives for an optimized program designed to gather all of the necessary information.
We can also combine a geotechnical investigation with other specialized expert studies, for example, an environmental soil characterization evaluation or a hydrogeological survey, in order to benefit from an economy of scale.
To ensure that your project rests on a solid foundation, a geotechnical investigation is a wise investment.
- Buildings (residential, commercial and industrial)
- Foundation type
- Bearing capacity
- Seismic classification of the location
- Municipal infrastructure (underground facilities, roads, sports fields, parks, etc.)
- Transportation infrastructure (roadways, bridges, airports and railroads)
- Telecommunications
- Electrical facilities (dams, power lines and wind turbines)
- Embankments (slope stability, zones at risk of landslides) in order to observe the regulatory framework for controlling land use in zones at risk of landslides in the sedimentary deposits
Feasibility studies
- Geo-environmental assessment
- Soil and rock identification
- Assistance in securing permits
Comprehensive design, development and engineering
- Foundation studies
- Evaluation of costs
Other services
- Geotechnical studies of unconsolidated deposits
- Geotechnical laboratory analyses (granulometry, sedimentometry, density, volumetric mass, Proctor Index, permeability)
- Review of potential uses of surficial deposits
- Drilling and field tests, including pumping tests, permeability tests and shear resistance (Nilcon)
- Rock formation surveys
- Bearing capacity calculation
- Seismic Site Classification